When are Implants the Best Solution?

When are Implants the Best Solution?

Not only does losing a tooth or multiple teeth prevent you from enjoying your smile, but it can also significantly impact your quality of life. It can make chewing and speaking more difficult and even alter your facial structure. 

Although you can consider a few options to replace a lost tooth or teeth, dental implants remain the most popular choice. A dental implant is like a metal screw that goes into your jawbone, acting as a new root that holds your replacement tooth in place. It's as close as you can get to growing a new tooth. 

At LivWell Dentistry in San Francisco and San Ramon, California, Dr. Wenli Loo and Dr. Steve Deng specialize in providing high-quality dental implants. They've seen firsthand the ability of dental implants to significantly improve the quality of life of those who experience tooth loss.

In this article, we delve into the different circumstances in which dental implants could be your best option.

Advantages of dental implants

Quite a number of people opt to replace lost tooth or teeth with dental implants for the following reasons

They're durable

Dental implants are constructed from strong materials, primarily titanium, which integrates well with the jawbone. Dental implants can last many years, often a lifetime, with proper oral care, including regular check-ups and cleaning. 

This extended lifespan makes them a one-time investment, saving you time and further dental work in the long run.

They look natural and are functional

One of the most impressive features of dental implants is how closely they resemble natural teeth. Not only do they look like real teeth, but they also function like them. 

This means you can eat, speak, and laugh without worrying about your teeth slipping or causing discomfort, a common issue with alternatives like dentures or bridges.

They preserve your jawbone and surrounding teeth

When you lose a tooth, the jawbone area that holds the tooth begins to deteriorate because of lack of stimulation. Dental implants act as a substitute for a tooth root, providing the necessary stimulation to maintain jawbone density. 

They also don't compromise the structure of bordering teeth, unlike bridges that require grinding down neighboring teeth for support.

Who can get dental implants?

If you've lost a single tooth because of an accident, decay, or any other reason, a dental implant could be the most effective way to replace it. Unlike dental bridges that require surrounding teeth to be altered, an implant will stand alone, preserving the natural structure and health of neighboring teeth.

For those missing more than one tooth, implant-supported bridges or dentures are both aesthetically pleasing and functional. Unlike traditional dentures, these options are anchored securely to your jawbone, making them feel like your natural teeth.

How to prepare for dental implants

Before opting for dental implants, it's crucial to let us assess the overall health of your gums and jawbone. Chronic issues like periodontal disease must be managed before an implant can be successfully placed.

Certain chronic conditions, like diabetes or heart disease, can impact your suitability for dental implants. We'll conduct a thorough medical history review and possibly run additional tests to determine if you're a good candidate for the procedure.

Dental implants are an incredibly effective and long-lasting solution for missing teeth. They provide numerous advantages over traditional methods like dentures and bridges, including longevity, a natural look, and the preservation of your jawbone and adjacent teeth. 

At LivWell Dentistry, we offer individualized care and expert advice to help you determine if dental implants are the right solution for you. Book an appointment with us online today, or call 415-477-3700 to get started. 


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